Pilot Michael Living
There is only NOW.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come... live for the moment and experience it now.  And go for the ultimate!  
I am a very passionate guy. Lustful for experiencing everything, especially the senses.  Food & Wine, Music & Massage, Art & Sex, Architecture & Animals, Perfume & Pampering... I’m Insatiable!  And I live this way everyday... at home, out on the town and traveling the world.  
From luxuries to adventures, here you can either follow my explorations, live my dreams with me, or pick up on some of the interesting pointers you can use for your own life!
Come join me in this wonderful passion for living life.
Living life now!
Wine Watch
Amazing Destinations
The Extraordinary 
Hotels & Resorts

Websites of Interest

Please write me.  
Here is my personal email address:
michael [at] pilotmichael.comhttp://ProjectSuitcase.comhttp://FlyInAdventures.comhttp://FlyingAdventures.comhttp://InternationalExplorationSociety.orghttp://SpectacularPhotography.commailto:michael@pilotmichael.comshapeimage_6_link_0shapeimage_6_link_1shapeimage_6_link_2shapeimage_6_link_3shapeimage_6_link_4shapeimage_6_link_5